Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No “Yo ho ho” more “oh no no”

Lets get into the spirit of “Talk Like A Pirate Day’ a little early, with a broadside aimed squarely at the good ship “Enterprise Whitsundays”.

Not with the intention of scuttling the ship but trying to get the cap’n to set the sails for the wind, point the bow on the right course and seek out all the treasures on offer to bring in the tradeships we all depend on.

As a self press ganged crewmember I fear a mutiny is on the horizon...and maybe a mutiny is what it needs.

At least a few lashes need to be metered out and maybe a keel hauling or two, and, just in case the ship continues to flounder get the plank ready for a few to walk it.

So “me hearties” let cast the spyglass on the EW website.

“Leading the way” but to where? We can look back at the wake at what we were supposed to do in 2009, I think someone should remind them that we are in Mid 2010.

Looking at the crew as listed there are people on there who walked the plank back when the cabin boy was a baby.  EW is training people in how to use this new fangled thing called the internet with a series of courses. Pity that no one from EW has attended their own course as many of the links in the EW website do not work, the content is out of date, apparently no news since 2009 on anything and I could go on.

The funding for this course of $60,000 secured under Whitsunday Development Corporation didn’t seem to help keep the treasure chest full last year because as cunning salty pirates we managed to lose almost $70,000 last year.

If this is meant to be the leading ship and we all follow then I fear we will all hit the rocks, or as seems to be the case slowly take on water and list along until we sink due to our own inactions and inability to plot a course to success.

Is this a mutiny? No!! It is a call to all hands on deck to repel boarders, to seek out the bounty and go after it with vigour, to question the Cap’n and the officers in order to get us off the bottom and sail the magnificent waters of the Whitsundays in the fair weather we all know and love.

We don’t want to put people to the sword or lash them to the mast but if we need to buy a new sextant then lets check the charts and see just how far adrift we are.

No “Yo ho ho” more “oh no no”

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