Friday, July 31, 2009
Tourism Whitsundays blames Telstra for lack of Blogs - Another Fake Job application uncovered?
Update 15:19 1 Aug 2009
Ben Southall just 'tweeted' the world to advise he was in a black spot, but Telstra have just rectified it.
Telstra has been blamed by Tourism Whitsundays and Tourism Queensland, because of its "not great reception", and "poor mobile phone or internet access for the lack of daily blog posts" by Ben Southall, the winner of 'The World's Best Job'.
Ben recently took up residence on Hamilton Island on 1 July as winner of "The Best Job in the World', and up to a week ago he had only written 7 blogs. Media organizations had 'a bit of a go' at the lack of blogs from Ben with headlines from around the world including:
'Paradise job Ben Southall writes just 7 posts on blog' - Scottish Daily Record
'Isle Ben is a lazy blogger' - The Sun
'Best Job in World Winner Criticized over Tropical Island Blog' - Bloomberg
Ben uses Telstra Wireless for his internet access.
However, Director and Chairperson of Tourism Whitsundays, Lyn Greggson, has come out in Ben's defence (and rightly so) to say that Ben's blogging of only once every 3 days because: ". . . we all know there's not great reception out at Whitehaven Beach, so he can't very well be blogging from every single place he visits."
But hang on, isn't this TV advertisement below by yet another Director of Tourism Whitsundays, telling us that Telstra 3G wireless internet works everywhere in the Whitsundays?
So, one director for Tourism Whitsundays does a TV ad and says he can do all his business on the boat around the islands at tremendous internet speeds and reliability, but another Director (Chairperson) of Tourism Whitsundays says that the Telstra 3G coverage is poor . . . who can you believe?
Blaming other people and organizations for you own actions (or lack of) is a bit primitive. If you knew beforehand that there is bad reception for Telstra Wireless where Ben was going, then why didn't you organize alternatives? It's sort of like not planning for the monsoon, and then blaming the rain when it arrives.
Now, while researching for this story, we came across the same Director of Tourism Whitsundays in a video application for the Best Job in the World back in January. Is this another 'fake application' uncovered? There was disbelief when the QLD Govt found out the Ad agency involved in the 'promotion did a fake video application - now we find out a Director of Tourism Whitsundays has also made a video application.
Editors Note : The schedule Ben has been on has been pretty hectic and tight - the Tourism organizations have spent the past month introducing (promoting?) him to the rest of QLD. I know my patience would have been spent within 1 week doing Ben's gig. Hey Ben . . . if you need a break . . .
Disclaimer : The editor has in interest in a satellite communications company .
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Abdelkarim Serhani, the Fake Prince, now in Bali

1.10pm Friday 31 July 2009 - We have confirmation / verification that Abdelkarim Serhani is in Indonesia.
3.30pm Wednesday 29 July 2009 - from an anonymous tip : Abdelkarim Serhani is in Bali, up to his old and usual tricks.
Now we can add Fighter Jets and Pirates to Ferrari's and Palaces. Oh, and a new persona - son of the Aide to the French Defence Minister.
It seems 'The Fake Arab Prince' has entered Indonesia without a passport by catching a boat from Darwin, and then hopping off in Indonesia, at a coastal town near Denpassar.
The boat, (unknown details) was on a scheduled trip to Thailand via Indonesia, left Darwin about 3-4 days ago. On its trip across the Timor Sea, the boat was chased by pirates. The Australian captain made a phone call on a satellite phone to an authority (unknown who) in Australia.
The officer advised the captain that the nearest patrol boat was 30-40 miles away, however, 15 minutes later, an Indonesian fighter jet flew over the boats and scattered the pirates. The boat with Abdelkarim Serhani on board then berthed near Denpassar. An extended visa was obtained from Indonesian Customs so that the boats sail could be repaired.
Abdelkarim Serhani gained access on to the boat in Darwin by saying he was the son of a French Diplomat, who was the Aide to the French Defence Minister. The captain and crew were charmed by this gentleman to take him onboard. When the Indonesian fighter jet flew over the boat, Abdelkarim Serhani claimed responsibility for it, which gave the crew more confidence that his stories were credible.
He has apparently been in Indonesia for about 24-48 hours. He is supposed to provide His Worship at Proserpine Magistrates' Court with documents to prove that he is unable to attend the court by midday today (1 hour 45 mins to go).
Editors Note:
* This story was contributed by several people who wish to remain anonymous. Unlike the respectable newspapers, we have run this story without verification, however we believe the reports and contributors are credible.
* While it is cool to be the first to report a great story, you can look like a fool (eg. Richard Wilkins) for putting up the wrong exclusive (eg; Jeff Goldblum) without verification. This is probably why that after 5 days, that we are still the only outlet in the World reporting that Abdelkarim Serhani left Australia a week ago and is in Indonesia. (we have now had 3 differant sources confrim Abdelkarim Serhani has left Australia).
* and QLD News Ltd will have more indepth reports and stories.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Abdelkarim Serhani - The Fake Arab Prince
Click here for the latest story published 0700am Friday 28 August 2009
Many NZ media outlets (and now Australian, and as of 10am Friday London time) are reporting today that 'The Fake Arab Prince', Abdelkarim Serhani, is in New Zealand, however we have been lead to to believe he is still in Indonesia. Full Story here.
This story is old and has been UPDATED
Click here for the latest story published 0700am Friday 28 August 2009
Whitsundays Online
Update 29 July 2009 here

Charged with defrauding Hamilton Island of $42,000 worth of goods and services, another business in Airlie Beach for $3,000, and to top it off, he gets arrested for drink driving.
Abdelkarim Serhani was to appear at the Proserpine Magistrates Court on Monday 27 July 2009 to answer to these charges . . . Channel 7 did the run up from Mackay with a camera crew and reporter, and there were several other people milling around the Court House, all waiting presumably for someone who usually likes being the centre of attention.
However, myself and many others did not get to see Mr Abdelkarim Serhani - he is apparently in Melbourne . . . . Mr Abdelkarim Serhani advised His Worship that he has come down with a sudden bout of 'broken legs'. His Worship has allowed Mr Abdelkarim Serhani until midday Wednesday, 29 July 2009, to provide factual documents.
In the meantime, Tourism and Service providers around the World need to be on the alert for people like this. Some say it is a victimless crime - it isn't.
We are all proud when someone we admire, or of public stature, or of royalty, takes an interest in ourselves, our region, our talents and/or our products and services. Sometimes our heart and good nature takes over from the brain, and we make a mistake.

A friendly local journo working for one of Australia's largest media organizations has requested personal stories from people who have had contact with Abdelkarim Serhani. He wishes to take a 'big picture' look at this man's travels and escapades - to see how he did it - how did he convince staff to let him in to a 6 star unit for over 2 weeks - how did he convince people to loan him Ferrari's.
If we can get a 'big picture' of Abdelkarim Serhani and his methods, then this will help us, our future staff, and our local businesses be more aware of people like this in the future.
Anonymity assured - contact me and I will forward whatever you wish on to the investigative journalist.
Top image - the faces of Abdelkarim Serhani
Bottom image - No show for Abdelkarim Serhani at Proserpine Magistrates' Court
Editors Note: I have begun enquiries with American Express to see if this gentleman actually has a Black Amex Card, or if he possible has a stolen one, or a counterfeit card.
Friday, July 24, 2009
From Paradise to Alcatraz without leaving 'The Rock'

What a day to be on Hamilton Island . . . . beautiful weather and a great trip over on the ferry, but it's not all smooth sailing on 'The Rock', as Hamilton Island is known by the locals. (The term 'The Rock' was also given to the infamous and now disused prison, Alcatraz, on an island in San Francisco Bay, USA).
Hours after the Courier Mail paid out 'World's Best Job' winner Ben Southall (the Ginger Whinger) for only posting 7 blogs (that's $3,000 a blog), The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that Hamilton Island Yacht Club construction workers have complained to the Builders Labourers Federation about the living conditions on Hamilton Island, referring them to 'as bad as Alcatraz'

(at the end of the runway - satellite image/map), where five to six men are being "crammed in four-person apartments divided by thin walls" the SMH reported.
Other complaints raised by the construction workers about their accommodation was of possum poo and large numbers of mosquitoes.
Mr Lund (BLF) told the SMH that the workers have also staged stop work meetings and have withdrawn their labour from the job due to safety concerns.
There has also been claims of discrimination on the island, and claims that the construction workers were treated as nobodies.
Whitsunday Regional Council issued the certificate (approval) for Palm Valley in 2001, then by private contractors in 2005 and 2006.
According to the BLF, the supplied accommodation is too small and is in breach of the National Building and Construction Industry Award.
Top image - Front page of News Ltd's website today
Video : Today Tonight - 4 December 2003 "Class Wars on Hamilton Island"
Full story "Blast for Ben Southall as his best job falls short" - Courier Mail, John Wright
Full story "Best job' island workers liken housing to Alcatraz" - Sydney Morning Herald - Traveller
Map / Satellite image of Palm Valley - Google Maps
Tourism Trends - Has the Worlds Best Job campaign been successful for the rest of the Whitsundays?
Editors Note - Race Weeks starts in a month and the Yacht Club is still under construction.
* Tourism QLD said that it was poor internet and phone links that stopped Southall blogging . . . does that mean that Tourism QLD says Telstra's services on Hamilton and other Whitsundays Islands are poor? If $300 million dollars in advertising is at stake, do you think they could have at least got him a satellite phone?**
*Rusty sold his Take Away business to Hamilton Island a couple of years after this story. It is now called Popeye's.
* We did not get paid $3,000 to write this blog.
** Disclaimer - the editor has an interest in a business in the Whitsundays which provides satellite internet and phone services.
French conman rips off the Whitsundays

Sourced from
Thomas Chamberlain
Update 27 July 2009 here
Update 29 July 2009 here
A 26 year old French national who has been studying in Sydney, has left a trail of debts and convictions during his visit to the Whitsundays.
Now believed to be in hiding in Cairns with other French backpackers, Abdelkarim Serhani conned $42,000 worth of goods and services over 16 days during his stay on Hamilton Island, and a $3,000 fraud in Airlie Beach. To top off his adventures in our region, Serhani was also caught drink driving.
Serhani has been labelled "The False Prince", and has conned his way all around the world, persuading people with his charm and acting, to obtain the use of palaces and limos, so he could wine and dine women he was attracted too.
A quick search on Google shows up 920 entries for Serhani, and over a dozen photos.
Those wishing to catch up with this gentleman will be interested to know that he is due to appear in the Proserpine Magistrates' Court on Monday, 27 July, 9am

French news article from Daily Motion translated into English
Video interview with Serhani
Editors Note: Since we ran this story, we have seen a a lot of people being directed to this website after searching for 'Abdelkarim Serhani'. Please note Mr Serhani has to appear at the court at the mentioned date.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Whitsundays now fully OnLine in RealTime

Thank you to the locals, ex-pats, and far-away dreamers for their suggestions on topics, content, sources, feeds and formats to provide a comprehensive and current 'snapshot' of the Whitsundays.
After much consideration, we thought the Whitsundays could be presented in RealTime in 2 formats (this may change in the future):
Traditional - WebPage :
New - Short Message:
Messages transmitted to our 2 RealTime Portals (and updated in realtime) include:
News - Local View and Comment;
News - All World Media articles about the Whitsundays;
News - Police Alerts, Reports and Updates in Central QLD;
Weather - Alerts when winds become strong, and very strong in Mackay;
Map - Coming Events and current incidents;
WebCams - 6 WebCams and their status;
Live TV - The Whitsundays without the marketing hype (our 6th year);
Flight Arrivals - Status of commercial flights to Hamilton Island and Proserpine;
Rail - Queensland Rail service disruptions;
Coach - Greyhound service disruptions;
Tsunami - Tsunami Alerts and Earthquakes in the Pacific region;
Flood - Flood warnings and levels for all rivers between Mackay and Townsville.
If you know of any other sources, feeds or content that would be suitable to add in to the RealTime service, then please contact the editor.
The Twitter service is like the old telex/new SMS services, but uses the internet to broadcast 'tweets' of information to you, with a link to the actual website with more comprehensive information about the alert you clicked.
Why are we the most informative?
Unlike the good websites our local newspapers, tourism and service operators have produced (some by our talented local designers), they tend to present only their (or parent company's) content, or the opinions of a select few, or maybe even be creative with some reporting due to their association and/or links with other organizations and groups.
We are fortunate to get our information from reputable media sources in Australia like the ABC, News Ltd, Fairfaix, 7 Network etc, as well as international sources like the BBC, CNN, The Times, and thousands of many many many more media sources. . . . it's a good thing for us to see how you see us.
We also have our own sources in the media, politics and business to give you an inside tip now and then.
We use many neutral sources to obtain our information, and we are not associated with the local RTO, Newspaper or dominant charity organizations, and therefore, our stories are not biased or censored.
This News service will continue on this website, and its content too will be highlighted on the website and twitter.
If we have a possible conflict of interest with any story, message or content, we will tell you.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
UFO probably meteor

A meteor is probably responsible for the strange coloured lights that appeared over the Whitsundays yesterday morning.
Witnesses from as far as Moranbah reported seeing coloured lights moving across the sky on a flat angle at sunrise yesterday. (Unfortunately, our WeatherCam was on backup and was not recording the sky at this time).
Journalist and astronomy specialist Jonathan Nally says it is not uncommon for meteors to be spotted at that time of day.
"From any particular location you might see a couple of these a year, maybe more, but you're not going to get them every day and every month," he said.
Full story at ABC Online (Melissa Madison)Image taken by this editor 10 years ago of a meteor leaving a corkscrew trail through the Southern Cross - taken the same day ANZAC and international troops shipped for East Timor.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wanted - Courier bags theft in Proserpine

Police have released an image of a man who may be able to assist in relation to the theft of several satchel-style courier bags from a vehicle in Proserpine on June 23.
About 4.40pm a man has broken into a white Toyota Hilux utility which was parked next to the ANZ ATM on Main Street - map
The offender has taken several satchels which contained bank-related documents.
The offender then left with the courier bags in easterly* direction along Main Street.
The offender is described as being Caucasian in appearance, approximately 175cm tall with a proportionate build.
Anyone with information which may help identify the man shown is asked to contact Senior Constable Russell Lewis at Proserpine Station on 4945 9666 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Sourced from QLD Police Media UnitMap of incident
Click images to enlarge
*Editors note: According to the CCTV image, the offender is heading in a westerly direction, towards the Police Station. The vehicle the bags were stolen from can be seen in the background of the bottom image.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Big White Fella due to visit next week

Updated 4.20pm Wed 26 Aug 2009
ABC News Online - Sarah Collerton - Full Story and Image
Whale of a time as Migaloo, orca spotted
Migaloo, the famous all-white whale, has been sighted off Queensland's north coast, just off Airlie Beach.
Fantasea cruises' vessel Wonder saw the famous humpback between Hardy Reef and Shute Harbour in the Whitsundays.
They stopped for 30 minutes to watch Migaloo, who is on his annual migration north to breed in warmer waters, play in the water.
Full Story and ImageOriginal Story
Migaloo is heading up the Queensland coast and is expected in the Whitsundays next week.
The all-white humpback was sighted off Moreton Bay this week, heading north on the migration route. Migaloo (White Fella) hasn't been seen in the Whitsundays since 2007.
Migaloo is a humpback whale who lives predominantly off the Australian east coast. What is so special about Migaloo is that he is thought to be the only albino humpback whale in the world.
Humpbacks were once hunted to the point of extinction. Since measures have been put in place to protect the species, the worldwide population has bounced back. There are now an estimated 80,000 whales in the wild. Whale watching is a very popular tourist pastime along the QLD coast between May and October.
Special legislation for Migaloo prohibits vessels from going closer than 500m and aircraft can not approach under 2000 feet.
Migaloo was name by indigenous Elders around Hervey Bay.
Image sourced from the Qld Environmental Protection Agency.
Sourced from Orato (LP Currell) and Daily Mercury (Bruce Mckean).
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Into the Red and Blue

Cannon Valley locals Gisi and Paul Harrington departed WAVE yesterday for a 'Journey of a Second Lifetime', sent off by fellow members of the Airlie Beach Aero Club (Map).
Gisi and Paul took off from WAVE yesterday for Broome in Western Australia in their single engine AMT200 XIMANGO (pictured left) to arrive in time to compete in the Annual Outback Air Race.
While Paul will be doing most of the flying, Gisi will be working hard behind her cameras, recording the trip with what's expected to be spectacular images from their perfect aerial platform.
The Outback Air Race is a major fundraiser for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and in its past six events has raised more than $850,000 - organizers hope to top the $1 million mark this year.

The Harrington team will have the advantage of flying almost the same route in reverse - from Airlie Beach to the starting point at Broome and then back to Airlie Beach. They will be supported by friends from Norway, Wenche and Alex Kverneland.
With the short time available for fundraising, team members have personally contributed a considerable sum of money and will be also seeking donations to assist the RFDS in providing its valuable service to country and outback communities.
Businesses can also donate and have their name emblazoned on the aircraft as there is considerable publicity attached to the event. All funds exceeding $2 are tax deductible.Businesses can also donate and have their name emblazoned on the aircraft as there is considerable publicity attached to the event. All funds exceeding $2 are tax deductible.
Annual Outback Air Race WebSite has a contact service to take your credit card donations.
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) WebSite
Sourced from the Wagin Argus (Glenys Ball) and Whitsunday Times (James Tolmie).
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
RBT blitz on Hamilton Island

Sourced from News Ltd - Greg Stolz
Random Breath Testing arrived on Hamilton Island last weekend with a blitz by QLD Police on Golf Buggy Drink Driving.
The operation concentrated on the Hamilton Island Outrigger Cup, which attracted more than 1000 paddlers and supporters, all in party mode.
Many drivers were shocked to be pulled over for breath tests to and from the harbour-side restaurants and taverns1.
Golf buggies are the main form of transport on Hamilton Island, with thoroughfares linking the harbour, holiday accommodation and residential areas classed as public roads2.
Senior Constable John Bentley from Whitsunday Police said"A golf buggy is a vehicle and you can't get behind the wheel if you've had too much to drink. There have been some serious accidents on Hamilton Island involving golf buggies and it's important police maintain a presence to deter illegal behaviour3."
A valid driver's licence is required to hire a golf buggy on Hamilton Island. If you are stopped in one for drink driving, you face losing your regular motor vehicle licence, as well as earning a steep fine.
A HI buggy licence is also required those living and working on Hamilton Island. If they receive too many demerit points, their buggy licences can be revoked4.
While detecting a high number of golf buggy drivers had been drinking, none were over the legal driving limit.
Top Image : No, it's not real - the photo was staged.
Bottom image: Original Hamilton Island buggy number plates that were replaced by QLD 'C' plates in 2003/4.
Editors Note : The editor lived on Hamilton Island from 2001 to 2005.
1 There are no Police permanently stationed on Hamilton Island.
2 The roads on Hamilton Island became public in 2003 with all buggies requiring registration through the QLD Dept of Transport.
3 Between 2001 and 2005, there were several deaths on Hamilton Island involving golf buggies.
4 Prior to breath testing on Hamilton Island, in an attempt to stop drink driving, private buggies were not allowed to be driven between 1am and 5am.