1.10pm Friday 31 July 2009 - We have confirmation / verification that Abdelkarim Serhani is in Indonesia.
3.30pm Wednesday 29 July 2009 - from an anonymous tip : Abdelkarim Serhani is in Bali, up to his old and usual tricks.
Now we can add Fighter Jets and Pirates to Ferrari's and Palaces. Oh, and a new persona - son of the Aide to the French Defence Minister.
It seems 'The Fake Arab Prince' has entered Indonesia without a passport by catching a boat from Darwin, and then hopping off in Indonesia, at a coastal town near Denpassar.
The boat, (unknown details) was on a scheduled trip to Thailand via Indonesia, left Darwin about 3-4 days ago. On its trip across the Timor Sea, the boat was chased by pirates. The Australian captain made a phone call on a satellite phone to an authority (unknown who) in Australia.
The officer advised the captain that the nearest patrol boat was 30-40 miles away, however, 15 minutes later, an Indonesian fighter jet flew over the boats and scattered the pirates. The boat with Abdelkarim Serhani on board then berthed near Denpassar. An extended visa was obtained from Indonesian Customs so that the boats sail could be repaired.
Abdelkarim Serhani gained access on to the boat in Darwin by saying he was the son of a French Diplomat, who was the Aide to the French Defence Minister. The captain and crew were charmed by this gentleman to take him onboard. When the Indonesian fighter jet flew over the boat, Abdelkarim Serhani claimed responsibility for it, which gave the crew more confidence that his stories were credible.
He has apparently been in Indonesia for about 24-48 hours. He is supposed to provide His Worship at Proserpine Magistrates' Court with documents to prove that he is unable to attend the court by midday today (1 hour 45 mins to go).
Editors Note:
* This story was contributed by several people who wish to remain anonymous. Unlike the respectable newspapers, we have run this story without verification, however we believe the reports and contributors are credible.
* While it is cool to be the first to report a great story, you can look like a fool (eg. Richard Wilkins) for putting up the wrong exclusive (eg; Jeff Goldblum) without verification. This is probably why that after 5 days, that we are still the only outlet in the World reporting that Abdelkarim Serhani left Australia a week ago and is in Indonesia. (we have now had 3 differant sources confrim Abdelkarim Serhani has left Australia).
* Cairns.com.au and QLD News Ltd will have more indepth reports and stories.
He has applied to get new passports at both the French consulate ib Bali and the embassy in Jakarta how ever both times the Police have not acted claiming it is an imigration rather than a law and order issue. How many other people will this man trick before he is caught?
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