@BenSouthall to @QLDWhitsundays
why are you always the bearer of doom and gloom?! The job is flippin awesome and I love it! Enjoy your day ok :)
Twitter message to me from 'Best Job in the World' winner / Hamilton Island Caretaker; Saturday 14 Nov 2009.
Good question Ben.
Prior to starting this Blog / News service, the news to and from the Whitsundays from the most popular media, appeared to be biased towards Tourism Whitsundays - in some articles, you could say the stories were 'very colourful and creative'.
After several years of reading and listening to the local media, I wondered why there was clearly some exaggeration in some articles and stories about TW and TW run events, so I did some digging around and found out why.
Almost every media outlet that services the Whitsundays was/is either on the board of directors of Tourism Whitsundays, or is a Member, or is supplying cheap advertising to TW and its 230 or so members.
There also appeared to be no attempt by these media services to alert the public that they have a vested interest in Tourism Whitsundays when reporting on Tourism Whitsundays news and events, or on a TW members own business.
In the Whitsundays, we have 3 weekly local papers. Two out of the 3 are heavily involved in TW:
The Guardian (Proserpine - one of the last truly independent papers);
Whitsunday Times (Coast and Islands - controlled by APN; Member of TW, MD of paper Director of TW until resigning very quietly a few months ago).
The Bowen Independent (Member of TW).
We also get 2 regional dailies. Both of these papers are linked back to Tourism Whitsundays:
The Townsville Bulletin (News Ltd - your sponsors through Sky);
The Mackay Daily Mercury (Associated with TW through Whitsunday Times).
We also have 2 TV News Bureaus within 150km of here, in Mackay. 1 of these is heavily involved in TW:
Prime - 7 Network (Member of TW);
WIN - 9 Network.
Tourism Whitsundays has also ensured it gets a favourable voice on almost all the commercial Radio stations:
SEA FM (Member of TW);
HOT FM (Member of TW);
4MK (Member of TW through Prime)
Zinc FM (Member of TW through Prime)
Thank goodness for the ABC.
This concentration of media sending out only one voice and opinion on Tourism Whitsundays events or news (TW's) reminded me of the old communist days, where only good stories were told, and all the bad ones were hushed up. (Your sponsors owner, Rupert Murdoch, I expect will be one of the first people to stand up and support a free press and 2nd, 3rd and more opinions.)
How would it be if our media here acted 'full on tourism mode' to every event and only reported 'the good news'? We would not be warned of impending Tsunami, Cyclone, Floods or Fires, because sending out news like that 'will turn the tourists away'.
In addition, I have never seen any of the media outlets that are involved with TW put in a disclaimer when they have reported on a TW event - leaving out this very important part of the story (aka conflict of interest) can mislead people into thinking that the story was reported by someone as a neutral observer, not as a business associate.
Behaviour like this is not dissimilar to getting paid to write a favourable review and not telling anyone - 'Cash for Comment'. It is unprofessional and unethical.
Your very important question today reminded me why I actually set this blog up in the first place - to present the other side of the story. No, I am not really the bearer of 'Doom & Gloom', but as I seem to be the one of the few who reports the stories that don't make it, then it may appear that all I am spreading is bad news.
Thanks for your question today - it has helped me realize that there may be some shortcomings in our local media, and that there may be a need to look at how cosy their relationships are with local organizations. I will ask a third party that specializes in these matters to consider looking at the media situation here a bit closer.
Ben, I'm sure it's a great job, and anyone in the world would have been proud to have won it; I have respect for the person, but I have trouble finding respect for the concept.
Why do you have trouble finding respect for the concept. Isn't it just promotion of the islands of the Great Barrier Reef. This is not news good or bad, its simply marketing. So what's wrong with marketing an area, especially one that is so reliant on tourism, it only has benefits for us all, or would you rather the whole tourism market just go away instead?
It is obvious to me from your blog posts that you are highly critical of TW, inserting the odd measure of opinion in with your "news" and granted things could be improved with TW. But lets hear why you have trouble finding respect for the concept because as you said you have respect for the person.
Hi Paul,
(Is that the same Paul I used to have drinks with now and then in the Compass Lounge around closing from 2000-2005? If it is, then you already know my personality!)
I try to present a view of local events where the neutrality of the reporting of that event may be compromised.
Unfortunatly, most of our local commercial media have a financial interest in Tourism Whitsundays. They do not insert disclaimers into their news stories on TW Events and News, or TW's directors & members private businesses. The public do not know if they are reading, listening or watching the news or an advertisement.
I have great respect for the concept by the Greater Noosa-Virgin Blue Big Sister program, which came out around the same time as the announcement of the Best Job in the World competition.
While the Whitsundays were asking the World (actually, Australia only allows citizens from 30 or so approved countries to work here for 6 months under 1 employer) to go into a competition to 'work and play' like a millionaire, the Greater Noosa-Virgin Blue Big Sister program gave free holidays to victims and families of the Victorian Bushfires. Story : http://whitsundaysonline.blogspot.com/2009/06/bush-fire-visitors-up-for-coast-holiday.html
I thought that was a more honourable excercise that was helping many, many fellow Australians in a time of need, rather than spending $1.5M or more on some one from overseas.
Good Marketing is Good, don't get me wrong. However, there are always at least 2 or more ways to interpret statistics and results. I am interpreting the results and statistics without the influence of being in a financial relationship with Tourism Whitsundays, unlike most of our regional commercial media.
The Best Job in the World is a great idea, and everyone is saying that. While everyone is focussed on how many awards the concept has won, it has distracted peoples attention to the original goals and results - raising travel interest and awareness of the whole Great Barrier Reef region. Trends: http://www.whitsundaysonline.net/trends.php .
I am saying the concept has worked for Hamilton Island, but it does not appear to have raised consistant interest in the other islands, mainland or regions.
Keep up the good work with your photography for Hamilton Island Weddings and thank you for your comments - it is healthy to have a constructive, public debate on an issue that involves all of us.
Think that it definitely pays to have a balance - and biased reporting is not on, however consider yourself lucky that your media partners push tourism at all!
I live in a region where sex, drugs and violence gets pushed to the front sometimes through wild exaggeration, and the hard work of those in the community, council and tourism businesses doesn't get a look in.
Guess the grass is always greener, but can only echo the call for balance and honesty!
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