A property just outside Bowen has been placed into quarantine after a horse tested positive to the deadly Hendra virus.
At least 8 people are currently being monitored for signs of the virus - at least 6 of these have been known to have had contact with the horse while it was ill.
Local vet, Dr Annand, put the horse to rest last week, and last night, Biosecurity Queensland revealed the blood samples taken from the horse proved positive to the Hendra virus.
It is possible that a horse on the same property, that died a month ago, may have also been infected with the virus.
Queensland Health has sent an official to Bowen to speak with the vet, the property owner, and four others.
The horse probably contracted the virus from bats that frequent melaleuca trees on the property. The Australian Biosecurity Co-operative Research Centre for Emerging Infectious Disease is studying the relationships between flying foxes and horses to learn more about Hendra.
The Centre's Professor Stephen Prowse says $42 million over six years is needed to continue the research but the project will now stop next year, because federal funding has been withdrawn. The Federal Government has rejected claims that it's hampered Hendra virus research by no longer funding the Brisbane-based project.
This is the 13th known instance of Hendra virus infection since 1994 - In that time 4 people have died from the virus.
Sourced from:
The Courier Mail - AAP
ABC News
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