In the past week, Director and Chairperson of Tourism Whitsundays, Lyn Greggson, (picture left) has claimed that the Telstra phone and internet services around the Whitsundays are poor and are the reason that the 'World's Best Job' winner was only sending blogs once every 3 days.
Yesterday, Ben Southall advised that his home on Hamilton Island was in a 'black spot', however Telstra had been there in the last day or 2 to fix it. (It looks like the work Telstra did for Ben has now severely affected his neighbours Telstra wireless connections - dropped to 100kbps/40kbps).
Queensland Tourism has also 'chipped in' to the debate saying that Telstra Wireless services around the Whitsundays had "poor mobile phone or internet access".
So why is another Director of Tourism Whitsundays, John Nayler, in a TV ad for Telstra, telling us almost the complete opposite to what Tourism Queensland and Tourism Whitsundays are claiming? Who is misleading us?
Was blaming Telstra a convenient excuse, or are the Telstra wireless services really that poor? I expect it is the latter. If that is the case, then doesn't the above ad and testimonial seem a bit ironic, and probably misleading?
Is this another case of a 'conflict of interest' within Tourism Whitsundays, or just another example of using excuses to make up for poor planning?
Surely Tourism Queensland and Tourism Whitsundays would have made sure that internet access was available from Ben's home before he moved in - blogging on the internet was supposed to be the most important part of his job . . . who advised/checked on behalf of TQ and TW that Ben's home had access to the Telstra wireless signal, or did they just believe the TV ad?

Editors Note: Actually, Ben will probably get a better signal from the Optus tower on One Tree Hill (about 300m from Ben's home), or on Mt Rooper (Shute Harbour).
Disclaimer : The editor has a part interest in a satellite communications company.
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